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AAUW Membership

Membership is open to all graduates holding an associate or equivalent, baccalaureate, or higher degree from a qualified educational institution or a foreign degree acceptable as a basis for admission by graduate schools at qualified universities of the United States.                          

You can join AAUW at the national level alone, but the local Gainesville Branch provides local networking opportunities and a host of programs and events. (Branch members also belong to the national and state organizations.)

Why Should I Join the Gainesville Branch of AAUW?

By joining AAUW, you belong to a community that breaks through
educational and economic barriers so that all women and girls have a fair chance.

 AAUW provides interesting programs that challenge your thinking and encourage you to understand your world.  Here is a list of what’s ahead (subject to change):

AAUW GNV_ Membership Flyer 2023-2024
PROGRAMS: 2023-2024

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